
Showing posts from December, 2021


        Hi, again!        Our homework for this week was creating a KWL chart which is a great way to learn something new. This chart includes three parts: what you know, what you want to know, what you learned.       To create a KWL chart, firstly you should write your background information on a certain topic, then find questions about what you want to know about that topic and finally find the best answers by searching websites for these questions.      While trying to find your answers, you encounter so many websites. I think this is great because you learn so much new information while you look for certain knowledge.      Also, I think including your background information helps you a lot in this type of project because you can see how your learning process developed. Also, you can compare your findings and knowledge simultaneously.       We used Padlet to create a KWL char...


     Hi everyone ,      This week we learned so much about wikis, as an assignment, we created a wiki of a film review. I choose not only an impressive but also frightening film to review because this film, Veronica, depends on the real paranormal incident whose details are shuddery. So it also makes you feel wondering while frightening.      This task is a good experience because until this task is given to us I’ve only heard the term of a wiki, but now I know how to write, edit and publish a wiki. It was easy to write a review of a film as a wikiing experience. I want to try another ways of wikiing.       I would probably use this task as an assignment for my future students because it helps their learning. For example, they can create dictionaries with their definitions to learn words of a target language.      Here is my wiki entry if you want to read: