We presented the story as a narrator one by one. While creating it, firstly, we wrote a script and recorded the lines with our voices. Then we found sound effects to enrich our story. After that, I recorded some sounds on the piano, which we needed in our story. After the records and sounds were ready, we combined the sounds according to our script via a sound program.
There were some parts that we struggled in. For example, some sound effects did not match our content, so we looked for other ones. The other part we struggled with was that we misunderstood the time indicator of the sound program, and assuming that we recorded 90 seconds, we had recorded a podcast that lasted for 180 seconds, which should have been 90 seconds according to our homework. Thanks to our teacher’s understanding, we didn’t have to shorten its time.
All the process was entertaining. In my opinion, we did good work.
I would probably give my students the same project because creating a podcast is beneficial for learning language skills. You expose that target language via podcast, either listening to it or creating it, which makes you feel confident in that language. Everyone should try this at least one time in their life.
Here is our podcast if you want to listen.
Also you can check my friend's blog via this link.
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