

       Hi, everybody!       Again and the last time :’)      We’ve completed all of the topics for the Educational Technologies course for which I’ve created this blog, and it comes to end. That was really fun to create tasks, writing blog posts.      Before this course, I was thinking that technology integration is so important for learning a foreign language in terms of speaking skills. It could be used only for speaking practice, searching, etc. purposes but after this course, I’ve learned that there is much more way to integrate the technology into education, foreign language acquisition. Even though I always know that technology should be integrated into our lives, we can say my thoughts changed a little bit, I learned in which ways we can use it purposely. Thanks to the tasks on my blog, I practiced them too.       I loved the podcasting project between our assignments. It was really fun to c...


  Hi, everybody!      Digital storytelling is the most accompanying activity with the integration of technology into education. Students could develop their English speaking, writing skills while they are learning how to use the technology in education or integrate it into their lives. The only disadvantage of digital storytelling is that it is challenging and lasting to create.       As a final assignment, we’ve created a digital story with my friend Naz. You can check her blog if you want to.      There were types of creating a digital story but we’ve chosen to create a ‘’how to’’ project.  As you know Instax cameras are so common nowadays, their working principle depends on the films which we used to use old cameras. However, sometimes these Instax cameras can’t print the photos appropriately, and they could be burned, which means that it prints your photo with a white or black taint. So as to avoid your sadness in such a s...


       Hi, everybody!      This week our teacher has mentioned in infographics.       Infographic is a blended word that is formed by the mixing of those words: information and graphics. There are types of infographics you can create, for example, visual articles, lists, data visualization, etc.       We use infographics to give information about something and visualize those pieces of information with pictures. I created an infographic about how to become a good teacher, which you can see above.       I used a tool called canva . Canva comes into prominence with its ease of use. You can easily create templates, posters, graphics via it.        Infographics are beneficial for the learners because while they are trying to create them, they not only learn new knowledge but also have fun thanks to the creating process and pictures. Also, when they visualize the knowledg...


       Hi, everyone!      We learned so much about digital storytelling this week. So this week’s task was creating a poster for a book that we’ve read. For this assignment, we need to create an online poster that includes pictures related to the setting and the plot of the book, movie stars representing the characters of the book, quotations from the book, and a tagline describing the movie, making the audience interested.      First, I chose a book by Victor Hugo, called ‘’The last day of a death row prisoner.’’ Then I found some pictures related to that book and added some quotations from the book. I preferred to write the book’s original name which is in French as a movie’s name.      I used an online tool called Canva by which you can create posters, templates, photo layouts, etc. It is easy to use a program you can easily add photos, lines to your poster. You can check this tool from here .      I woul...


        Hi, again!        Our homework for this week was creating a KWL chart which is a great way to learn something new. This chart includes three parts: what you know, what you want to know, what you learned.       To create a KWL chart, firstly you should write your background information on a certain topic, then find questions about what you want to know about that topic and finally find the best answers by searching websites for these questions.      While trying to find your answers, you encounter so many websites. I think this is great because you learn so much new information while you look for certain knowledge.      Also, I think including your background information helps you a lot in this type of project because you can see how your learning process developed. Also, you can compare your findings and knowledge simultaneously.       We used Padlet to create a KWL char...


     Hi everyone ,      This week we learned so much about wikis, as an assignment, we created a wiki of a film review. I choose not only an impressive but also frightening film to review because this film, Veronica, depends on the real paranormal incident whose details are shuddery. So it also makes you feel wondering while frightening.      This task is a good experience because until this task is given to us I’ve only heard the term of a wiki, but now I know how to write, edit and publish a wiki. It was easy to write a review of a film as a wikiing experience. I want to try another ways of wikiing.       I would probably use this task as an assignment for my future students because it helps their learning. For example, they can create dictionaries with their definitions to learn words of a target language.      Here is my wiki entry if you want to read:


             Hi, everybody!        This week our topic was podcasting, so I want to mention in podcasts.      Podcasting is a way of developing your language learning skills. As an assignment, we created a podcast in which we told a story with my friend Tugay. In our podcast, we tried to make a horror story which was about a cursed piano.      We presented the story as a narrator one by one. While creating it, firstly, we wrote a script and recorded the lines with our voices. Then we found sound effects to enrich our story. After that, I recorded some sounds on the piano, which we needed in our story. After the records and sounds were ready, we combined the sounds according to our script via a sound program.      There were some parts that we struggled in. For example, some sound effects did not match our content, so we looked for other ones. The other part we struggled with was that...