Hi, everybody!
Digital storytelling is the most accompanying activity with the integration of technology into education. Students could develop their English speaking, writing skills while they are learning how to use the technology in education or integrate it into their lives. The only disadvantage of digital storytelling is that it is challenging and lasting to create.
As a final assignment, we’ve created a digital story with my friend Naz. You can check her blog if you want to.
There were types of creating a digital story but we’ve chosen to create a ‘’how to’’ project. As you know Instax cameras are so common nowadays, their working principle depends on the films which we used to use old cameras. However, sometimes these Instax cameras can’t print the photos appropriately, and they could be burned, which means that it prints your photo with a white or black taint. So as to avoid your sadness in such a scenario, we tried to show how to do a polaroid painting to reuse your burned-polaroid films as a digital story project.
After we found the tools for our project which we already have actually, started to record our video in which we used our phones as a camera. We edited our videos with a program called iMovie, after adding our voice and some music, we were all set. The only affordance of this project for us was the time. While studying our other courses’ final examinations; creating this, kinda struggling but the time period that our teacher ensured us for this project helped to our worry.
Here is our digital story if you want to watch it.
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